Super Mario RPG: Armageddon Wiki

There is a section in the Sunken Ship that contains 6 challenge rooms followed by a password room. Completion of each challenge room awards an item plus a clue for the password. There are five different passwords, and all six clues are important to figuring them out.

The challenges are more difficult in hard mode, and the clues and passwords are different as well.

Challenge 1[]

Lure the Greaper to knock over the cannonball onto the switch.

Sunken Ship Puzzle 1 Normal Sunken Ship Puzzle 1 Hard

Challenge 2[]

Hit the three boxes such that the cannonball bounces off each spring to reach the switch. You can keep hitting the boxes to adjust the position until all three are hit.

Sunken Ship Challenge 2

  • Reward: Holy Gem
  • Hard Change: The springs move faster.
  • Clue:

Sunken Ship Puzzle 2 Normal Sunken Ship Puzzle 2 Hard

Challenge 3[]

Navigate the maze to reach the top. It is broken into two distinct parts, with hidden staircases that must be climbed for each.

Sunken Ship Maze 1 Sunken Ship Maze 2

Sunken Ship Puzzle 3 Normal Sunken Ship Puzzle 3 Hard

Challenge 4[]

Collect each Frog Coin that appears without collecting the one that moves.

Sunken Ship Puzzle 4 Normal Sunken Ship Puzzle 4 Hard

Challenge 5[]

Hit the box on the left to shoot a cannonball, then jump into the cannonball and knock it into the nearby box. Repeat three times to clear the challenge.

  • Reward: Blue Essence
  • Hard Change: The cannonballs move significantly faster.
  • Clue:

Sunken Ship Puzzle 5 Normal Sunken Ship Puzzle 5 Hard

Challenge 6[]

Jump on the out-of-place barrel to free it from the stack, then keep jumping on it to roll it onto the switch. Jump on the other switch with the barrel on the first to clear the challenge.

  • Reward: Full heal
  • Hard Change: None
  • Clue:

Sunken Ship Puzzle 6 Normal Sunken Ship Puzzle 6 Hard

Passwords (Normal)[]

Sunken Ship Shaman Hint 1 Normal Sunken Ship Shaman Hint 2 Normal

Sunken Ship Shaman Hint 3 Normal

Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 1 Normal Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 2 Normal Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 3 Normal

Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 4 Normal

  • The order of the memos matters.

  • All passwords are the "most" correct answer.

the fired the fearsome princess
only 1000 famous leader has
frog arrows mouse of some
who at mascot the important
can't rose of pirate wedding
jump town disney ship gear

  • An alternate way of displaying the table from Hint 3:
the only frog who can't jump
fired 1000 arrows at rose town
the famous mouse mascot of disney
fearsome leader of the pirate ship
princess has some important wedding gear

These are the "real" clues:

  • the only frog who can't jump
  • fired 1000 arrows at rose town
  • the famous mouse mascot of disney
  • fearsome leader of the pirate ship
  • princess has some important wedding gear

Passwords (Hard)[]

Sunken Ship Shaman Hint 1 Hard Sunken Ship Shaman Hint 2 Hard

Sunken Ship Shaman Hint 3 Hard

Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 1 Hard Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 2 Hard Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 3 Hard Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 4 Hard Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 5 Hard

Sunken Ship Frogfucius Hint 6 Hard

  • All passwords are the "most" correct answer.

  • The order of the memos matters.

  • The final memo isn't actually memo #6.

This is the order of the memos:

  • First memo
  • Early memo
  • Memo #3
  • Memo of death
  • Final memo
  • Extra memo

all hit fearsome leader
his switch leader of
moon kingdom of army
family in the suit
jumps rose cards of
higher town pirates one

  • Each "real" clue has one additional word added to it somewhere.
  • These special words form a clue of their own.

  • An alternate way of displaying the table from Hint 5:
all his moon family jumps higher
hit switch kingdom in rose town
fearsome leader of the cards pirates
leader of army suit of one

  • Hint 7's table, but with the "special" words bolded:
all his moon family jumps higher
hit switch kingdom in rose town
fearsome leader of the cards pirates
leader of army suit of one

These are the "real" clues:

  • all his family jumps higher
  • hit switch in rose town
  • fearsome leader of the pirates
  • leader of army of one
  • moon kingdom suit cards
