Rosalina is a crucial character who revives the party on defeat as well as provides other help and advice.
See Also: Rosalina (Enemy)
Star Hill[]
Rosalina offers several items, services, and upgrades at Star Hill:
- On the initial visit, Mario is taught Holy.
- At any time, the party member in the first slot ("party leader") can be leveled at the cost of a few Galaxy Coins.
- If the party leader is max level (50), they can instead redo all their level bonuses for free by respecing.
- Bringing Rosalina a Shiny Flower will increase the party's maximum Flower Points to 99.
- When visiting after Exor is defeated, Rosalina gives a Holy Hammer and teaches Peach Peach Beam.
- Once all party members are max level, the level up option is completely replaced with respecing and the Luma shop sells more items.
- Once Smithy is defeated, Rosalina gives Galaxy Star and allows Trial Mode to be attempted.
There are two locations where Rosalina cannot revive the party, instead resulting in a game over. In both instances, the player will have to reload their last save if they lose.
- Fighting Doom Cake in Marrymore
- Anywhere in Palace of Shadow