v10 Smithy% (Normal) Route Guide [ ]
Timer Start [ ]
Start timer on confirming your name on a new file
Bowser's Keep [ ]
"No Thanks"
Jump, one attack each Terrapin
Level up Magic
Bowser [ ]
2 Jumps, 1 attack Bowser
2 Jumps on chain
Talk to Toad outside
Go to Bowser's Keep for cutscene
Go inside Mario's house and talk to Toad, go to Mushroom Way
Hidden chest for Hyper Shroom
Avoid all overworld encounters (MANDATORY) and encounter goomba trapping Toad. Flee from battle to acquire 255 frog coins
Down right exit of next room, run straight to Hammer Bro
9 Jumps to win (Use Maple Syrup after 5 Jumps)
Learn Fire Orb , Level Up Magic
Equip Hammer right after the fights ends
Run into castle and straight to Chancellor, dialogue
Go Right in main chamber, Hidden Energizer in area right before Daisy
Outside to trigger Mallow cutscene
While he's crying, go to shop and Buy:
2 Maple Syrup
2 Vest
1 Wristband, 1 Crest
Stop Mallow, -> Jump during dialogue
"Sure Thing"
Mario - Vest, Wristband
Mallow - Vest, Crest
Talk to jumping Toad
Down right exit
Jump on left edge of flower and immediately jump off to the right
Jump on blocks, off ledge onto left side of other flower, jump for Blue Essence
This will usually be used for Booster or Cake
Next room jump off right platform for the Level Up Star
Hit 12 enemies and go to Croco room
Catch Croco 3 times
Mario Physical, block Croco
Mallow Shocker
If Mallow gets muted just keep attacking with Mario and Defend with Mallow. If Mario or Mallow get put to sleep keep attacking with the other one until croco potentially wakes character with physical
Mario Physical, block Croco
Mallow Shocker
Mario Physical, Block Croco
Mallow Shocker
If Mario didn’t hit on average 1,200 damage attack once more for win
Mario Level 6, Level Up Magic
Mallow Level 6, Level Up Phys
Go straight up-right into castle
Go left entrance
Go left a bit and immediately jump forward onto staircase and avoid Body Guards
Scripted fight
Talk to Daisy for Zap Punch, FP
Equip Zap Punch (ZP)
Fight left Shyster on stairs
ZP, Shocker one shots each
Walk out to main chamber and save Toad, same strat for BGs
Go back to Daisy room for Peach's ??? , put it on Mallow
Talk to Grandma to heal party
Turn 1: Hyper Shroom / Energizer Mario, Zap Punch Bodyguard to kill
Turn 2: Shocker Mack and Zap Punch bodyguard to kill 2nd
Turn 3: Heal with mushroom on mallow's turn and Zap punch Mack (looking for 3,600 or greater)
Turn 4: Shocker or Physical with Mallow depending on Mario's damage range and then Zap Punch Mack
Turn 5: Heal if necessary with mallow otherwise defend then Zap Punch Mack to kill. (13,000 HP total)
Mallow Shocker a Bodyguard, then on any turn he doesn't heal Mario, finish that same Bodyguard with a Mallow Physical
Turn 6-7: Kill remaining Bodyguards
Mario Level 9, LU Magic
Mallow Level 8, LU Phys
Walk away towards exit to trigger dialogue
Item shop for Cricket Pie
Inside, down left pipe
Rightmost pipe
Make a small loop to hit switch and return down same pipe
Bottom pipe now with water drained
First chest for Wake Up Pin and pipe
Equip Mario with Crest before Belome fight
12k HP
Mallow Hyper Shroom Mario, Fire Orb with Mario (Perfect orbs does 5,776)
Mallow Physical unless more than one orb is dropped on mario's turn then shocker, Mario Fire Orb to Kill
Mario Level 10, LU Magic
Mallow Level 10, LU Phys
Waterfall and Barrels [ ]
Skip extra sections on waterfall and go down leftmost path, don’t worry about coins except galaxy coin
"No Thanks"
Jump from barrel to barrel, ignore coins
Jump for tadpoles
After dialogue give Frog Cricket Pie and get Flame Staff
Swap Crest with Peach's ???
Mallow - Wristband, Flame Staff
Go to leftmost shop and Buy:
2 Able Juice, 3 Freshen Up
Exit up right, just jump straight up on first platform
Pass Luigi and loop around to exit
Exit down right in platform room
Down towards down right exit, Bowser dialogue
Optional Flower : Drop through chimney of Item Shop for chest
Jump on old guy’s head, upper left house and steal the 2 chests for 2 FP
Go to inn in lower left
"Wrong number! "
Peace Ring, Odd Sack, Spark Ring, FP Up from Daisy
Leave after cutscene
Straight shot to Geno in the maze
Maze (by exit): Right, Straight, Straight, Right, Straight, Left
Turn 1: Geno Boost Mario, Mario Fire Orb Bowyer, Maple Syrup with Mallow
Turn 2: Geno Boost Mallow (if Mallow gets glared use able juice), Mario Fire Orb Bowyer, Mallow Flame Staff Bowyer
Turn 3: Geno Timed Physical Flunkie, Mario Fire Orb Bowyer to kill, Mallow Flame Staff Flunkie Geno didn't attack
Turn 4: Geno Defend, Mario Jump Flunkie Geno DID attack, Mallow Flame staff Flunkie
Turn 5: Defend, Defend, Mallow Flame Staff Flunkie
If Mallow doesn't hit 4,000 with physical use Geno physical to clean up
From this point on, everyone’s level up points will go into Magic
Mario, Mallow, Geno Level 12
Shop to the left, Buy:
Mario - Zap Punch, Reflect Vest, Peach's ???
Mallow - Flame Staff, Reflect Vest, Wake Up Pin
Geno - Reflect Vest, Crest
Go up one house for hidden Energizer
Up for Bowser dialogue and enter cave
"Sure have"
"Of course"
Run to spring jump to get robbed:
Head right to follow Croco
After the second explosion head up 3 rooms to grab the star
Hit Croco and 7 enemies (8 enemies total) while you still have star active so everyone is Level 13 after:
Head back to where star was and proceed to Punchinello room, skip the chests
Hold up right on entering and jump at him to avoid the bomb
18k HP
Turn 1: Geno Boost Mario, Mario Ice Orb Punch (1 dropped orb is ok for 13,400 otherwise pick up extra damage with either mallow or Geno physical), Maple Syrup with Mallow unless he has to attack for extra 200 damage
Turn 2: Geno Defend (unless Mallow had to attack if so use maple syrup. If Mario gets sleeped or muted heal him) , Mario Jump to push punch to next phase, mallow untimed attack on bomb
Turn 3: Defend, Mario Ice Orb Punch, Defend
Turn 4: Defend, Mario Jump for phase 3, Mallow untimed Mezzo Bomb
Turn 5: Defend, Mario Ice orb Punch, Defend
Turn 6: Heal if necessary, Mario Jump to win
Fight over, progress to Axem Black and Yellow
Turn 1: Geno Boost Mario, Ice Orb Yellow, Energizer Geno (hope for poison bomb or bomb on mallow)
Turn 2a: If Mario gets sleep/mute bombed, energizer Geno, Geno Beam, Defend/Skip.
Turn 3a: Freshen Up or Able Juice, Defend, Jump Black to win
Turn 2b: If Geno gets Sleep/mute bombed, energizer geno, defend/skip, jump
Turn 3b: Freshen Up or Able Juice, Geno Beam to win
Turn 2: Geno Beam, Jump to kill Black
All Level 17
"Forget it"
After mine cart minigame and dialogue, go straight to Booster Pass
Hidden Lucky Ring, get in encounter with this enemy and run away to stand on its head
Encounter and Defeat the flying Lakitu enemy to acquire a thunder gem. Geno boost Mallow into a Snowy will kill all 3 enemies
Exit lower right
Grab big Flower in lower right, exit up right
Use Maple Syrup before fighting Snifit
Get Bowser
Fight Snifit behind the desk:
Boost Mario, Jump x2 and Defend with the others
Progress to toy train dialogue with Booster
Hidden Fire Gem in curtains room:
Jump over the missile trigger to prevent the missile enemies spawning
Grab heal mushroom in chest next to the bomb catapult
Go in hidden room on the side and grab Flower chest in the lower right corner:
In checkerboard room, jump on Galaxy coins to avoid fights and enter the locked door, hidden Thunder Gem in the left corner
Lose curtains mini game on purpose
Stand in third curtain from the left
Turn 1: Geno Thunder Gem, Fire Gem Mario, Thunder gem Mallow
Mario Level 18
Swap Peach's ??? for Amulet on Mario
Turn 1: Boost Mario, Fire Orb Knife Guy, he should heal, Defend Mallow
Turn 2: Defend Geno, Ice Orb Grate Guy, should heal, Defend Mallow for next phase
Attack with Geno instead of Defending here if you’re worried Ice Orb won’t do 15k
Turn 3: Defend Geno, Ice Orb Grate Guy, Defend Mallow
If it doesn’t do 15k damage, attack with Geno
Turn 4: Fire Orb Knife Guy
Mario 21, Bowser 18, Geno 20, Mallow 20
You later need 47 total FP for Axem Rangers and beyond
If you don't have 47 FP by Birdo, you need to get backup Flowers
An ideal Hill is getting 13 flowers, if you get less you will need optional Flowers
If you end up with less than 47 FP for fights like Blade and Valentina, you will need extra safety items like Royal Jelly
Mario - Lucky Ring
Mallow - F Staff, Reflect Vest, Wake Up Pin
Geno - Reflect Vest, Amulet
Swap Mario for Peach
Talk to NPC on the right next to Chapel front door
Go through back door and grab hidden Holy Gem, jump up on the box in the corner
*Safety save before breaking down the door with Bowser if you want to. If you die you get returned to title screen
Quickly get all of Peach’s items to get a kiss from her and raise Max FP
Swap party for Doom Cake - Mallow, Peach, Geno
Geno Boost Peach, Defend Mallow, Holy Torte
Defend, Blue Essence Geno, Holy Torte
Block, next phase
Freshen Up if Peach gets stat down
Mallow Holy Gem, Peach Holy, candles phase start
Be ready to block the physical, it’s sneaky
He’ll always physical counter after you attack him
Untimed attacks, and survive until his candles are all out, then hit him one more time
Fight ends after candle phase
Mario 25, Peach 22, Geno 22, Mallow 22, Bowser 21
Exit Marrymore to go to MK automatically
Mushroom Kingdom (Peach) and Tadpole Pond [ ]
Talk to Chancellor for dialogue
Walk outside and Peach will fall from the sky
Walk in and out of the castle to force her to the ground faster
Peach joins party
Go to Item shop and sell everything except Peach's ???.
Go to Velvet Door and buy:
1 Fire Gem
10 Ice Gem
8 Thunder Gem
10 Holy Gem
Talk to Frog in Tadpole Pond and leave for Star Hill
Talk to Rosa to learn Holy Orb for Mario
Swap Mario in for Mallow, put Mario first/at the top
Mario needs to be in the first slot for the Dodo fight later
In the third room with the glowing flowers, walk up, hit flower to the right and go to top for a fight
Fire Gem, Thunder Gem x2,
Mario 30, Peach 25, Geno 25, Mallow 25, Bowser 24
Geno learns Wishing Star
Hit the flowers and exit through the big star near the bottom of the room
Talk to Elder in upper left house, leave and go to Sea
Optional Flower : Go through the exit up from where the last enemy you hit with the star is. Second chest
Go left and take the ship pipe to the Sunken Ship
First challenge room get the 5 FP this is now required
Swap Lucky Ring from Mario to Peach
Run straight to password room and hit:
Block 1 x2
Block 2 x3
Block 5 x1
Block 6 x2
Holy Gem x6
Dead in 3 lives
Upper door past Dry Bones
Straight shot to Pirates, skip everything
Same for 2nd fight
Thunder Gem x2
For 1v1, Thunder Gem x2
Head left and up to the stairs
Free the prisoners, talk to Elder in his house
Hit hidden platform to the right of the cannon and go next room
In the bee room, you can land on the lower right edge of the flowers, wait one tick, and jump off to avoid the bees
Easier but slower way is to simply get in encounters with the bees on the flower, run away, and then jump while you have I-frames
In the desert, go left and fight Shogun in left pit
4 Shogun pits total and you’ll be underground
Lucky Ring on Mario BEFORE using level up Stars and Royal Crown on Peach
Two Star chests, hit everything
Hidden Hyper Shroom
First door, go upstairs and talk to starfish for Star Gun
Talk to Monstermama
Go left outside and take springboard back to cave
Backtrack to first room of cave, jump on box, and chest back to springboard, take Up exit in the desert
Climb minigame and get the Sonic Shell
Swap Bowser in for Mario
Use Galaxy Apple on Geno for inventory space
Backtrack to MK for more gems
Mushroom Kingdom (Gems) [ ]
Go to door, buy gems from top to bottom:
1, 16, 8, 1 (This is how many you should have total after buying)
Right pipe, pipe, exit up
Immediately run away when you get in encounters with the bees
Head up for Smilax fight
Ice Gem x2, next phase
Ice Gem, Block attacks, Ice Gem, next phase
Geno Defend, Ice Gem Mario, Block three attacks, Ice Gem with Peach, next phase
Ice Gem x2 to finish
Grab Flower from Shy Away and take pipe, beanstalk up to Nimbus
Climb up to next room
Take right vine path
Up and take smiley springboard
After dialogue, lower right house
Jump and wait on this guy’s head for a hidden Mighty Guard
Shop to the left and Buy:
1 Fuzzy Dress
2 Flight Vest
*For extra safety: heal for Peach in Birdo fight, Jelly for Blade later
Mario - ZP, Flight Vest, Lucky Ring
Peach - WF, Fuzzy Dress, Royal Crown
Geno - Star Gun, Flight Vest, Peach's ???
Bowser will have Sonic Shell still. Keep him in the party until after the "mandatory" fan encounter after birdo
Upper left house and interact with Golden Mallow statue
Talk to Garro, “Yes”
2nd and 5th time Dodo walks by Mario is a fake, don’t jump
Be careful of sneaky part at the very end
Optional Flower : Up left exit from where you start after Dodo minigame. Grab chest and loop back around
After Mario stops being gold, take door to the right
Pass up chest in corner and take next door
Grab Flower chest in left corner and take leftmost door
Progress until NPC room, talk to leftmost NPC for Castle Key
Hold Up Left when leaving to avoid the Fork enemy
Go back through middle door with Fork enemy in front of it
Can sneak to his right, unlock door and enter without getting in an encounter
Bowser Thunder Gem, Geno Boost on Peach, Peach Holy
Ideally, Bowser or Geno get hit with the eggs and go to sleep turn 1
Bowser/Geno whichever one is awake use a thunder gem to take a life (only one. defend with other character if first egg hits peach) this will trigger Birdo's 2nd phase
Proceed through the door
You can attempt a very tight jump over the fan in the second room to skip the encounter
Make sure you try to jump over the fan, don’t run in front of it or you’ll get pushed over the ledge
Can sneak to the right of the fork enemy through the door again
In second room after dialogue, hit hidden platform and grab the star chest
Run straight through enemies and Dodo and fall
Swap Bowser for Mario
Mario - Peach's ???
Geno - Wake Up Pin
Make sure Mario is in the top slot
Phase 1 [ ]
Phase 2 [ ]
Phase 3 [ ]
Group Hug, Boost Mario, Thunder Orb
Thunder Gem x2, Thunder Orb
Valentina down if you take 2 lives
Run past King through door after dialogue
Grab hidden Manifest Illusion to the right and galaxy coin then fall down
Talk to NPCs to go past hot tub and fall to Barrel Volcano
Mario needs to be at least Level 49 for Axem Rangers
In the room after the one with two chests, hit the Star chest and keep progressing
Grab hidden Crystal Ring :
Mario - Crystal Ring
Geno - Amulet
Mario should be Level 49 after the fight
Axem Rangers [ ]
Ice Gem x2, Yellow down
Thunder Gem, Pink Down
Group Hug after their attacks
Holy Gem, Fire Gem, Black and Blue down
1 Life
If you don't have 47 FP and Mario gets dispelled, the FP drain may not leave enough FP to Boost him again. A safety Jelly or Energizer will help get the second boosted Jump off to finish him
It can spiral downward if you don’t finish him quickly because he can heal for 7k, so be prepared to recover and continue doing damage if the quick kill doesn't work
He starts off by cycling through every Lv. 2 spell, and ends with Diamond Saw, which everyone should resist
Hyper Shroom Mario, Geno Whirl, Jump
Defend, Defend (or boost if Mario got dispelled), Jump
Nimbus (2) [ ]
Go to main castle
Take a left, jump off the purple NPCs head by the chest to proceed
Middle door, take door to the left before throne room and talk to middle NPC for the Circlet
Dialogue in throne room, backtrack out of the castle and exit left to the cloud car
Leave Bowser’s Keep and go to MK for more Gems
Touch the spot to the right of MK on the map, and then go back and enter. This lets you enter right in front of the Door
Mushroom Kingdom (Gems) [ ]
At Door Buy:
5 Fire Gem, 8 Ice Gem, 3 Thunder Gem, 2 Holy Gem (total amount after buys)
Challenge 1 [ ]
Challenge 2 [ ]
Challenge 4 (Bob-Omb Room) [ ]
Jump on the ball and go Up (Down input) and start heading straight as you near the pillar
After a few steps you can see where the Bomb is
If he's in your path, go Down towards the other wall and then hold straight again
Otherwise, just make a beeline for the last pillar. Jump on it and go through the door
Challenge 6 (Switches Game) [ ]
Jump on the switches marked Red
Challenge 7 (Ball Solitaire) [ ]
Green Hammer Bro Shop:
Sell all weapons except Circlet and Peach’s ???
1 Royal Dress
2 Mirage Vest
Mario - Mirage Vest, Crystal Ring
Peach - Royal Dress, Circlet
Geno - Star Gun, Mirage Vest, Amulet
2 Lives
Holy, Boost Mario, Holy, 1 life down
Holy, Defend, Holy
Royal Crown on Peach
Circlet on Geno
Fire Gem, Holy Gem x2
Ice Gem, mouth down
Geno Boost Himself, Ice Gem with Mario
3x Geno Whirl on the Hilt to win. Defend with the others
Leave Gate and go to Star Hill
Buy: 12 Energizers
Talk to Rosalina for the Holy Hammer and Equip it
Grab Royal Jelly by save point before Cloaker
4 lives total
He attacks first, block
Holy for 11k, Boost Mario, Holy (1 LIFE)
Thunder Gem with Peach, Defend with Geno, Holy with Mario. Repeat 3x until he's defeated
Blocking is vital in this fight. If Mario falls let cloaker kill the team as it won't be possible to recover.
Jump down hole next to blue enemies to fight Domino
Swap Crystal Ring and Circlet on Mario/Geno
4 Lives
Energizer Geno, Geno Whirl, Energizer Mario
Peach Group Hug, Geno Whirl (1 Life), Jump
Peach physical attack, Geno Whirl (2 life), Jump
Peach attack, Geno Whirl (3 life), Jump
Energizer Mario after Black Hole, Geno attack, Jump to Kill
Peach Energizer Geno, Geno Shock
Clerk + Pounders [ ]
Peach Energizer Geno, Geno Shock, Mario Holy
Toad Shop
Sell all equipment except Amulet (This money is needed to buy the keros and jellies)
5 Royal Jelly (6-7 total)
2 Kerokerocola (3)
Toss away all 3 Life Shroom (if you want to keep some for safety on smithy you'll have to sacrifice some fire Gems which might cost time on Blade 2.0 and Smithy if they shift Fire.
Energizer Geno, Geno Shock, Energizer Mario
Defend, Geno Shock, Mario Holy
Loop the above until 3 lives down. Optimally, it should take three turns.
Royal Jelly when low on FP in case Geno gets put to sleep
Holy Chief, Boost Mario
Mario Holy Chief
Group Hug, Geno Beam Chief
Holy Chief with Mario, Chief down
Defend, Boost Peach
Mario hit with weakness, Holy w/ Peach if weak to Holy, Royal Jelly
On Shift, Defend with everyone to see what he’s weak to
Mario Orbs + Gems to finish Blade 2.0
Axem Red and Friends [ ]
Red [ ]
Peach Energizer Mario, Geno Boost Himself, Mario Holy
Holy with Peach for phase 2
Mack + Bowyer [ ]
3 Lives each will be on Geno's turn after they are summoned
Geno Shock to deal 30K to Mack, Mario Holy on Bowyer to deal 30K
Jelly with Peach, Geno Beam Bowyer, Holy Bowyer to finish him
Peach Defend, Geno Shock Mack, Mario Thunder Orb Mack to finish him
Will take Cross Cleave
Peach Group Hug to remove armor break from party, Geno Defend, Mario Holy
Peach Royal Jelly, Geno Whirl to take Red's 1st life, Mario Holy
Peach Holy to defeat Red
Yaridovich [ ]
4 Lives starting with Geno again. Defend with him and Ice Orb with Mario to take a life before Yarid gets a turn
He may use Imprison on Peach or Geno, so they can’t throw an ice gem
Ice Gem x2, Ice Orb (2 Lives) x2
Everyone at max Level
Put Royal Crown on Peach (!!!)
Swap Amulet/Crystal Ring on Mario and Geno
Optionally go restock on items (Royal Jelly, Megalixir, 1Up, Purify, etc.)
You can sell Equipment that is no longer needed if you need money for another Kero. They cost 3,000
Phase 1 [ ]
2 Lives
Energizer Peach, Mighty Guard Geno, Mighty Guard Mario
Peach Beam, Geno Shock, Illusion
Holy, Whirl, Royal Jelly
Phase 2 [ ]
6 Lives
If you get Dispelled pop an Energizer
Make sure Peach doesn’t die. Group Hug as needed if someone gets around 1k HP
Peach Holy, Geno Beam, Mario Jump
Loop these attacks while healing and dealing with Dispel
Phase 3 [ ]
6 Lives
Ideally, want him to use Holy or Thunder
At the start you can throw out Holy to see if by chance he’s weak to it
Royal Jelly if low on FP, Defend to see weakness
Attack with Orbs, Gems, Holy, Beam, Shock, etc. depending on what his weakness is
Group Hug and Kero as needed
He’ll use Black Hole
If a character isn’t at full health they will need to use an Auto Life item before the attack
Make sure Peach can Group Hug after the attack (FP)
Stop the timer when screen is all white after this explosion: