Super Mario RPG: Armageddon Wiki


Life Cola x3 Revives one ally. Three uses. Value 3 Coins Target One Downed Ally
Effect Revives a downed party member to full Hit Points and adds a Life Cola x2 to the player's inventory. Battle Yes Overworld No
Enemies Shops Other Locations
Shadow Reaper (40%)
Master Shaman (40%)
Star Hill (3 Galaxy Coins, max level only) Gate (chest in area with many conveyors)

Life Cola x3 Revives one ally. Three uses. Value 3 Coins Target One Downed Ally
Effect Revives a downed party member to full Hit Points and adds a Life Cola x2 to the player's inventory. Battle Yes Overworld No
Enemies Shops Other Locations
Shadow Reaper (40%)
Master Shaman (40%)
Star Hill (5 Galaxy Coins, max level only) Gate (chest in area with many conveyors)

Life Cola x2 Revives one ally. Two uses. Value 400 Coins Target One Downed Ally
Effect Revives a downed party member to full Hit Points and adds a Life Cola to the player's inventory. Battle Yes Overworld No
Enemies Shops Other Locations
None None None

Life Cola x2 Revives one ally. Two uses. Value 400 Coins Target One Downed Ally
Effect Revives a downed party member to full Hit Points and adds a Life Cola to the player's inventory. Battle Yes Overworld No
Enemies Shops Other Locations
None None None

Life Cola Revives one ally. Value 150 Coins Target One Downed Ally
Effect Revives a downed party member to full Hit Points. Battle Yes Overworld No
Enemies Shops Other Locations
None None None

Life Cola Revives one ally. Value 150 Coins Target One Downed Ally
Effect Revives a downed party member to full Hit Points. Battle Yes Overworld No
Enemies Shops Other Locations
None None None
